
  • Kloboučnická 22, 140 00 Praha 4
  • tel.:261 217 955
  • tel.:602 956 209
  • fax.:261 217 959
  • The opening hours Mo-Fr 7:00-15:30, after a phonecall on tel.: 602 956 209 it is possible also later use the phonehelp untill 17:30
  • the bills for fabrication of products you can send as a bitmap or vektor files, dont forget please, attach the file with a writing or at least his name or the writing put into vector files!!!
  • the files you can send in program corel draw in version 9 – the other programms and sizes you can use after the consultation - we cant work with bills in program Word
  • the bills you can send in this formats:eps, ai, cdr, hpgl, bmp, jpg, gif, tiff